In The Grin


Embark on a whimsical journey into the captivating world of "Collage Soup - In the Grin." This extraordinary collection features over 110 collage papers celebrating smiles and expressions, including a delightful array of lips, teeth, and even quirky mouth anatomy. Explore the diverse beauty of joyful expressions as you cut, tear, and stick these unique visuals, infusing your artistic creations with the playful charm that dentures and unconventional mouth anatomy bring. Let your imagination run wild and unleash your creativity, crafting imaginative compositions that capture the essence of happiness and self-expression. Get ready to be enthralled by the captivating and whimsical world of "Collage Soup - In the Grin." *Printed on archival paper.*

A book full of papers for cutting, tearing and arting.

Paper crafts


Mixed Media art


Card making

Gift wrap

Gelli Printing

Endless possibilities!!!